
Second Monday of the month
6:00 pm Mrs. Pommarane's room

Monday, May 20, 2019

End of year celebration

Thank you for a great year!  Join us for a year end celebration.

Monday, May 13, 2019

End of Year activities

Thank you to everyone for helping to make this year so successful!   We so appreciate all the volunteers,  donations, and generosity shown throughout year, but especially through teacher appreciation week.  Thank you!

Keep those Box Tops coming in.  We will be sending them in at the end of the school year.

PTA is having a year end social at Rib & Chop on May 31st at 6:30.  All are welcome! Please RSVP by May 29th to if you plan to come.

Thank you all again and have a wonderful summer!

Monday, May 6, 2019


Yearbook orders are due by Friday, May 11. Here is the downloadable link.