
Second Monday of the month
6:00 pm Mrs. Pommarane's room

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


The PTA fundraiser orders are DUE this Thursday 9/27!  

Please include the following:
1.  Completed order form.  Must include your name and best phone number in case we need to reach you with questions or concerns regarding your order.
2.  Full payment for all items ordered (cash or checks made out to Indian Paintbrush PTA)
3.  Product pick up will be 10/17, more details on that to follow!

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Katie Frick at

Thank you for supporting our fundraiser!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

PTA survey

The PTA is interested in what you have to say!  We would really appreciate your input about how PTA is contributing to the school community.   Please help us by completing this short survey.  Thank you! 

IPES PTA Program Priorities Survey

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Change to PTA meeting schedule

This year is off to a great start!  Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the August meeting. 
There is a change in the PTA standing meeting time.  We will now meet the second Monday of each month at 6:00 pm in Mrs. Pommarane's room.  We encourage everyone to come! 

With this change in schedule, our next meeting will take place September 10th at 6:00.  We hope to see you there.