
Second Monday of the month
6:00 pm Mrs. Pommarane's room

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Welcome Back!

IPES PTA would like to welcome everyone back to the start of a great new year!
We are so excited for this school year!

We would like to invite you to attend our first PTA meeting of the year, Aug 29th at 6:00 pm, in Mrs. Pommarane's room.  We will be discussing meeting times, hear a report from Principal Pierantoni, and talk about our first fundraising opportunity.  This is a great chance to find out what is happening in school.

Please feel free to attend even if you haven't signed up or paid your dues.  We will have member sign-up form at the meeting.  You can pay your dues by sending it with your child to school, bring it to the first meeting, or leave it with Mrs. Nutter in the office.

We look forward to seeing everyone there!